Marita Mathijsen on 'Een vrije geest: het uitzonderlijke leven van Betje Wolff'

Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet in collaboration with Soroptimist International Club Rotterdam
With her back to the camera, a young woman ascends the stairs in the Leeskabinet alcove, approaching tall and royally filled bookshelves.

Event in collaboration with Soroptimist International Club Rotterdam. Please note that the spoken language will be Dutch.

Currently, Betje Wolff (1738-1804) is primarily known as one half of the writing duo she formed with Aagje Deken. But Wolff had already made a name for herself as a writer before she met Deken. Her sharp wit gave rise to vehement controversies.

Thursday 13 Mar 2025, 20:00 - 21:15
Spoken Language
Ticket information

Free entry for members of the Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet and the Soroptimist Club.

Regular tickets €5,-

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In the poignant new biography Een vrije geest: het uitzonderlijke leven van Betje Wolff Marita Mathijsen shows us how forward-thinking Betje Wolff was, not only as a writer, but also as a headstrong woman who went up against the pervasive and conservative morals of her time. As Mathijsen shows, Wolffs life was exceptionally thrilling, and her penmanship masterful.

Marita Mathijsen (1944) is emeritus professor of modern Dutch literature at the University of Amsterdam, with a specialisation in nineteenth-century literature. Her work has been awarded with the Multatuliprijs and the Prins Bernhard Fondsprijs voor de Geesteswetenschappen.

More information

Location: Erasmus University, Senaatszaal, Erasmus Building (previously building A) See the campus map

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