Gé Vaartjes on 'Vleugelman: Godfried Bomans 1913-1971'

Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet
With her back to the camera, a young woman ascends the stairs in the Leeskabinet alcove, approaching tall and royally filled bookshelves.

Godfried Bomans reached a wide readership with Pieter Bas and Erik of het klein insectenboek. His columns in de Volkskrant and contributions to Elseviers Weekblad further increased his fame. However, it was his participation in numerous television programs that brought him the most renown. Millions of Dutch and Flemish viewers were charmed by his humor, gentle irony, unconventional appearances, and thoughtful wisdom. His challenging stay on the uninhabited island of Rottumerplaat became legendary.

Tuesday 13 May 2025, 20:00 - 21:15
Spoken Language
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Free entry for members of the Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet.

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Bomans was a multitalented and highly admired figure. Even today, his name is spoken with reverence. Yet, above all, he was an insecure, enigmatic, and fundamentally lonely man. He struggled to cope with everyday reality, seeking to color and reshape it into an existence he could accept. Through his imagination, he gave life wings.

Gé Vaartjes has written the fascinating life story of this restless man, who spent his life battling fears and seeking refuge among a few close friends and numerous women. He portrays Bomans as a man who constantly doubted himself, yet had a keen insight into the issues of his time.

More information

Location: Erasmus University, Senaatszaal, Erasmus Building (previously building A) See the campus map

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