Coming soon: the Leeskabinet book market

Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet
With her back to the camera, a young woman ascends the stairs in the Leeskabinet alcove, approaching tall and royally filled bookshelves.

On Wednesday the 9th and Thursday the 10th of April from 10 AM to 5 PM the Leeskabinet book market will take place on the University Library sky bridge. We have a wide range of books on offer from fiction, history and economics to art, Rotterdam and more.

Wednesday 9 Apr 2025, 10:00 - Thursday 10 Apr 2025, 17:00
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The Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet regularly receives book donations from private individuals, sometimes containing titles that are already part of our collection. At the book market these titles can find a new home. Half of the earnings will go to the UAF Foundation which dedicates itself to refugee students.

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Questions? Send us an email or call us at 010 408 11 95.

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