Your Next Step (ENG) | TOP trainingen

Monday 3 Oct 2022, 09:00 - 13:00
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What do I really want in my career? What are the next steps in my careerpath? What do I have to offer another employer or manager? If everything was possible I would.....

What am I really looking for in a job? What’s the next step in my career? What do I have to offer to another employer or supervisor? If the possibilities were endless, would I...? Questions that many of us ask at one time or another. Good questions to take charge of your career so you get - even more - energy, enjoyment and satisfaction from your job. Your Next Step answers questions like: Who am I? What are my strengths and what do I want? How do I get there? As opposed to a longer individual process with a career coach, you will find your answers much more quickly, you will receive feedback, ideas and experiences from your group, spend three half-days away from work, and all the while you will be expanding your network.

In this training

  • You’ll create an up-to-date self-image;
  • You’ll formulate the follow-up steps for your career;
  • You’ll write up a plan to realise your wish.

Praktische informatie


3 & 12 October 2022


3 October:  9.00 - 13.00
12 October: follow-up individual coaching 9.00-14.00

Duration:Half a day with a follow up of 30 minutes

This training is offered free of charge to EUR employees. If the enrollment is canceled by the participant outside the specified period (see cancellation conditions), an amount of €291 will be charged.

Participants of Leiden University, Delft University and EUR Holding pay €291 per participant.

Other:You will receive a certificate after a participation of at least 80%.

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