On Wednesday 19 October 2022, L.R. Steenkamp will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘The Voices of Many: Psychotic experiences in young people from the general population’.
- Promotor
- Promotor
- Co-promotor
- Co-promotor
- Date
- Wednesday 19 Oct 2022, 15:30 - 17:00
- Type
- PhD defence
- Space
- Professor Andries Querido room
- Building
- Education Center
- Location
- Erasmus MC
Dissertation in short:
Hallucinations and delusions, such as hearing voices, have long been viewed as signs of severe mental illness. However, epidemiological evidence revealed that these phenomena are surprisingly common in the general population – especially in young people. Youth with such psychotic experiences are vulnerable to a range of negative mental health outcomes later in life, including psychosis, anxiety, and depression. However, it is unclear why some youth develop psychotic experiences while others do not. In this thesis we studied the course, childhood risk factors, and adolescent outcomes of psychotic experiences in a population-based cohort from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This cohort has followed several thousands of young people from birth onwards.
Three key findings emerged. First, we found that approximately 30% of 10-year old children report psychotic experiences. Nearly 80% of these psychotic experiences were no longer present at the age of 14 years. Psychotic experiences were more likely to be persistent in children with more psychopathology, lower self-esteem, and lower IQ. Second, we identified several risk factors of psychotic experiences: 1) structural brain differences, including smaller gray and white matter volume, 2) bullying victimization, bullying perpetration, and social rejection, and 3) maternal exposure to childhood trauma. Third, we found that childhood psychotic experiences were related to adverse outcomes in early adolescence. These included 1) poor school performance and 2) risk of suicidality and non-suicidal self-harm.
- More information
The public defence will begin exactly at 15.30 hrs. The doors will be closed once the public defence starts, latecomers can access the hall via the fourth floor. Due to the solemn nature of the ceremony, we recommend that you do not take children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.
A live stream link has been provided to the candidate.