PhD defence J. (Jimena) Pacheco Miranda

The Impact of Crises on Human Capital Formation – Cases from Ecuador
Prof.dr. A.S. Bedi
Prof.dr. N. Wagner
Friday 18 Oct 2024, 15:30 - 17:30
PhD defence
Auditorium of the ISS
International Institute of Social Studies
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On Friday 18 October 2024, J. Pacheco Miranda will defend the doctoral thesis titled: ‘The Impact of Crises on Human Capital Formation – Cases from Ecuador‘.

Brief summary:

This thesis consists of three essays that explore the impact of three different shocks that affected Ecuador in 1999, in 2016 and in 2020. Specifically, the thesis studies the effects of an economic crisis in 1999, an earthquake in 2016 and the Covid pandemic in 2020 on children’s human capital formation. The thesis provides estimates of the impact of shocks in the short, medium, and long term, on both health and education and for the population at large. Depending on the essay, the analysis relies on secondary data, universal national administrative data, and nationally representative surveys.

More information

The Public Defence will take place on Friday, 18 October 2024 in the ISS auditorium (Aula B) and the ceremony will begin promptly at 15.30 hrs. The doors will be closed at the start of the Public Defence. Children below the age of 7 are not allowed in the auditorium during the first part of the ceremony. The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Atrium of the ISS. Professors are invited to join the academic procession. 

This Public Defence may be broadcasted on ISS livestream. If so, you will be able to watch the Public Defence live at


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