'Nothing compares to EU': Brexit Festival

Thursday 21 Mar 2019, 20:00 - 22:30

Arminius, Rotterdam

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Hard or soft, deal or no deal, a new People’s Vote, Theresa May teetering on the edge of the ‘glass cliff’, people fleeing the country like regular Brexit refugees, an implacable EU, the backstop… every day, we’re treated to new alarums and excursions in the Brexit tragedy. And by now, we can’t see the forest for the trees. Are you as confused as we are? Then join us at the ‘Nothing compares to EU’ Brexit festival on 21 March. We have an impressive line-up of guests, who will be sharing their expert and occasionally wry perspectives on Brexit with us.


Which scenarios should we take into account – and which is the most likely? What will be the political, cultural and economic consequences? What are we going to miss about the Brits if they jump ship? And what will we be celebrating if they decide to stay on board anyway?

  • Can we expect a mass exodus of companies from London to the Netherlands, or will Brexit deal a blow to the port of Rotterdam and throw Europe’s economy off course? Or both at the same time? Rick van der Ploeg, Professor of Economics at Oxford University, will be shedding light on the economic consequences of Brexit – be it hard or soft.
  • How rational or irrational is Brexit? Etienne Augé, who specialises in intercultural and international communication and diplomacy, will talk about the propaganda mechanisms that are working in the background. Augé also works as a trainer for the Clingendael Institute. Which skills do diplomats need to strike the best deal?
  • Who is Theresa May? Joana Vassilopoulou will be discussing female leadership, the ‘glass cliff’ and the PM’s true face. What kind of manager should you be as a government leader on a mission impossible? Vassilopoulou takes a close and critical look at May’s performance so far.

An evening with, among others, Professor Rick van der Ploeg (Oxford University), Dr Joana Vassilopoulou (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam), Dr Etienne F. Augé (Erasmus University Rotterdam), ‘Brexit refugees’ Harry Ross and Helen Scarlett- O’Neill, and of course, a spread of cupcakes, milk tea, English beer and Marmite.

The evening will be hosted by Geert Maarse. Most of the talks and debates will be in English.

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Dossier: Brexit

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