Music & The White House

Concert and Talks
Wednesday 30 Oct 2024, 20:00 - 21:30
Spoken Language

Erasmus Paviljoen

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A unique concert in which America expert Willem Post and jazz trumpeter Michael Varekamp & Band provide political and musical commentary in the run-up to the American elections.

‘Jazz is the big brother of Revolution’, said jazz legend Miles Davis. American jazz music has always been a reflection of American history and politics, and thus to a large extent of the history of democracy. In Jazz & The White House, America expert Willem Post and jazz musician Michael Varekamp compare the course of the history of American democracy with that of music. In this way, they give politics a soundtrack and music a pamphlet.

On November 5, 2024, America will again elect a new president. There is a lot at stake. In the midst of unprecedented polarization, President Biden has even made the survival of democracy the stake of the elections. He speaks of an all-decisive battle ‘for the soul of the nation’. The current discontent has roots in American history. Willem Post is a visual storyteller and will highlight the points of contention from then and now in short, special stories. Multi-talented Michael Varekamp lets the music speak. Music that connects people but also exposes them. Travel with Post and Varekamp through history to ultimately end up in the current affairs of 2024.

Famous jazz musicians have always been inspired by politics or provided the course of events with often painful commentary. Louis Armstrong no longer wanted to officially represent America abroad and canceled concerts because of the segregation in his country. The brilliant bassist Charles Mingus composed Fables of Faubes (an indictment of a racist senator) and Billie Holiday broke the 'deafening' silence with the heartbreaking ballad Strange Fruit about the lynching of people of color in the southern United States.

Line Up:

Michael Varekamp, ​​trumpet
Wiboud Burkens, keys
Erik Kooger, drums
Harry Emmery, double bass

Willem Post, America expert, historian and author.

More information

Date: Wednesday 30 October, 2024
Time: 20:00 – 21:30 hours
Location: Theatre Erasmus Paviljoen

Ticket information
Students: €5,00
Employee: €5,00
Other visitors: €10,00

Organised by Studium Generale 

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