Festive opening Education Lab (day 2)

Wednesday 14 Nov 2018, 10:00 - 18:00
Spoken Language
Erasmus Education Lab
Polak Building
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Below you can find the current programme for day two of the festive opening of the Education Lab. 

Some sessions require signing up, so make sure to fill in the form at the bottom of this page if this is the case.






  • 10.00-11.00 

    RASL Compositions/Education in arts & sciences (Comenius Leader Fellowship) - by dr. Liesbeth Noordegraaf

    The Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab (RASL) is a collaboration between the Erasmus University, Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam (visual arts), and Codarts (performing arts). Within RASL education and research are developed combining arts and sciences. This year RASL received a Comenius leader fellowship to develop a minor in arts and sciences as well as a teacher training programme and accompanying research. Within the presentation we will discuss the groundbreaking set up of the programme, as well as the entrepreneurial and innovative challenges it offers students.

    The presentation is meant for both staff and students.

    *No signing up required 

  • 10.00-12.00 

    Learn Any Programming Language - by Mathijs de Jong (Turing Students Rotterdam) 

    These days so many people want to learn how to code but not knowing where to begin discourages most of them.

    Come to the stand of Turing Students Rotterdam and get a step-by-step guide on virtually any programming language out there! Based on your goals, get to know the main resources that will propel you to your programming journey.

    *This session is full

  • 11.00-12.00

    Interactive digital education - by mr. dr. Elmira van Vliet 

    Eén van de speerpunten van de onderwijsvisie van de Erasmus Universiteit is ‘uitdagend en inspirerend onderwijs’, waarbij studenten worden gestimuleerd om verder te denken en grenzen te verleggen. Activerende onderwijsvormen kunnen hierbij een belangrijke rol spelen. Deze sessie zal in het teken staan van het gebruik van activerende onderwijsvormen en de ervaringen die ik daarmee heb opgedaan. Ik ga daarnaast ook graag in gesprek met de deelnemers aan de sessie over de ervaringen die zij met activerende onderwijsvormen hebben opgedaan en over de vraag hoe activerend wetenschappelijk onderwijs er in de toekomst uit zal zien.

    *Sign up for this session at the bottom of the page. Please note that this presentation will be held in Dutch.

    Elmira van Vliet
  • 11.30-12.30

    Ability Peer Effects at University - by Matthijs Oosterveen MSc

    It is widely accepted that one’s friends and acquaintances can be influential. Researchers and policy makers have long been interested in these so-called peer effects in the classroom. This interest stems from the fact that peer effects could represent a promising policy tool in education design; just by reorganizing students across classes, and without spending additional resources, it may be possible to improve student performance. During this session we will discuss ability peer effects, and the impacts of various group assignment policies, at a large public Dutch university by exploiting the random assignment of students to first-year tutorial groups.

    Is it possible to increase student performance only by reorganizing students across classes and without spending additional resources? If you are curious towards the answer, you should attend this session!

    *No signing up required 

  • 13:00 -13:30

    How to get students prepared for classes and workshops? - by dr. Koos Winnips (e-learning coordinator), Vincent de Boer (consultant for educational innovation at University of Groningen), and Maarten Steenhuis

    It may sound a bit weird, but every teacher knows that this is one of the hardest problems in education. How to handle a class of say two hundred students with only ten having a notion of the subjects to address? Using the collaboration platform Perusall, teachers at University of Groningen experience that reading literature before the lecture starts can be a social activity, improving education, and make students better understand the concepts at hand. Before lectures start, students share notes on online texts. They ask for clarifications, make comparisons with previous courses, and check the author’s reasoning. As a result, both students, and teachers or tutors receive valuable feedback even before lectures start!

    Koos Winnips en Vincent de Boer will present the use of Perusall as a tool for educational innovation at the University of Groningen, including a live demonstration, and will leave room for questions and discussion.

    *No signing up required 

  • 13:00 – 13:45

    MyFuture; working on ….. a dream! - by Hanz Zwart (manager Development Erasmus School of Law), Cheyenne Kooijman (project leader MyFuture), and Eveline Verhoef (student Erasmus School of Law). 

    In een wereld die zo sterk verandert kan de universiteit niet achterblijven. Voor een brede persoonlijke ontwikkeling is meer nodig dan academische kennis en daaraan gerelateerde skills. MyFuture stelt je persoonlijke groei centraal met vier pijlers: Awareness, Goals, Skills en Giving Back. Subsidie van OC&W maakt het mogelijk dat we het programma verder kunnen ontwikkelen. Ook gericht op diversiteit en inclusie. Het logische vervolg op Pre Academic Program (PAP), geeft inhoud aan community building en EUR Career Services.

    *Sign up for this session at the bottom of the page. Please note that this presentation will be held in Dutch.

  • 13.00-14.45

    MicroLab Walk-In Hours

    Do you have specific didactic questions you would like to learn more about? Then join one of the short and practical ‘how-to’ MicroLabs for EUR lecturers! For example: how to create an educational video, how to make your lectures more interactive, or how to design an assessment plan and matrix. Visit our MicroLab Walk-In Hours to ask all your questions about these MicroLabs, register immediately (free of charge) and/or suggest your ideas for a new MicroLab. 

    *No signing up required 

  • 13.00-15.00

    Non-verbal communication - by Carla van Driel (Hofplein theater) 

    92.7% van communiceren is lichaamstaal, 7,3% is spraak. In deze training worden de deelnemers hiervan bewust gemaakt: klopt je boodschap met je fysieke uitstraling? Ben je bewust van hoe je lichaam reageert wanneer je praat met emoties? 

    Een onderzoek naar je eigen aangeleerde gedrag en hoe je spraak en lichaamstaal meer samen kunt laten werken.

    *Sign up for this session at the bottom of the page. Please note that this session will be in Dutch.

  • 13.00-16.00

    MicroLab: how to make an educational video - by Giovanni Nobre MSc

    In this MicroLab you will learn how to create an educational video that you can use in your own course. You will write a script for the video, make a corresponding PowerPoint presentation and then - after a camera training - record your knowledge clip in the Erasmus Studio. You can then use this video in your course.  You will start with the online part where you will learn how to write a good script for your educational video. Next you will have a face-to-face meeting in the studio. A professional camera trainer will guide and train you in using the right camera techniques. After the camera training you will make a PowerPoint presentation and upload the final script on Canvas. You will review a script of a peer and you will also receive feedback on your script. Based on this feedback, you can adjust your script. Finally, the face-to-face meeting will take place in the studio where you will record your educational video. The total time investment is 15 hours (of which 70% online) spread over 5 weeks.

    *This MicroLab requires preparation, please contact Giovanni (nobre@risbo.eur.nl) to sign up.

  • 14.00-16.00

    Cybersecurity with Base Cyber Security - Turing Students Rotterdam

    Around the world businesses and governments using the internet are deploying more and more complex inter-networked information systems. Information and cyber security professionals ensure that these networks and systems remain adequately secured, protecting sensitive data and critical infrastructure.

    Considering the current global cybersecurity challenges, an interactive workshop by Base Cyber Security’s Senior Advisor Nicolas Lymbouris will be provided.

    *Sign up for this session at the bottom of the page.

    computerscherm met slot
  • 14.00-15.00

    An online goalsetting intervention boosts academic performance

    The Goal Setting intervention that was implemented at RSM for all first-year students has proven to be effective by (a) raising the academic performance of the intervention cohorts with over 20 % (in comparison to two pre-intervention cohorts) and (b) the intervention boosted academic achievement particularly for ethnic minority and male students, up to 50% (Schippers, Scheepers, & Peterson, 2015). In this break-out session, we will explore possibilities and obstacles for other schools regarding the possible implementation of the goal-setting intervention in their school. 

    *Sign up for this session at the bottom of the page

  • 15.00-16.00

    Better together (Collaborative Learning) - by dr. Martine Baars, Ricardo van Aken MSc and Jaap Stelpstra

    There will be two questions guiding this session: 1) What are the benefits of collaborative learning? And 2) How can we combine collaborative learning and online learning?

    *This session is full

  • 15.00-17.00

    Public speaking skills - by Carla van Driel (Hofplein theater)

    Spreken in het openbaar vraagt om specifieke vaardigheden. Vaak zie je een spreker te veel privé en/of onvoorbereid, waardoor de boodschap niet voldoende overkomt. Door gebruik te maken van elementaire theater oefeningen krijgt de deelnemer een aantal tools aangereikt die hij of zij op een speelse manier in de praktijk kan gebruiken om een boodschap beter over te brengen.

    *Sign up for this session at the bottom of the page. Please note that this session will be in Dutch.

  • 16.00-17.00

    Edugaming -  Learning through fun experiences - by Fons Verhoef

    Gaming the classroom, a serious(ly fun) way of learning

    What is the future of gaming in higher education? What are the do’s and don’ts in developing (serious) games? Organiq, as a serious game developer, shares insights from their own projects.

    Gamification and serious games are not new. Many programmes already have integrated a form of gaming. However, often these games are geared towards the “fun factor” and miss their educational mark. GRIP is Organiq’s latest innovative method that creates a fun educational experience that puts theory into practice and has done so in the field of Health Care Management (ESHPM), Innovation (Loughborough University), Governance, Entrepreneurship and Fiscal Strategy.

    *No signing up required 

  • 10.00-16.00

    Experience a DIY-booth 

    Continues demo of the DIY-booths, meant for autonomous recording.

    *No signing up required 

  • 12.30-13.00 (full)


    Guided tours through the new lab and studio

    Guided tours by the people directly involved in realizing the new lab. Ask them everything you want to know!

    *Sign up for one of these tours at the bottom of the page

  • 17.00-18.00


    Feel free to join.


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