ESK presents Chapter 20

Erasmus Studentenkoor
Thursday 15 Jun 2023, 20:00 - 21:30
Spoken Language
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Erasmus Studenten Koor

Come celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus Student Choir!

During the concert they will look back in time with a repertoire consisting of songs they have sung in the past twenty years. It will be a memorable night full of music and joy.

More information

Date: 15 june 2023
Tijd: 20.00-21.30 hours, Doors open: 19.30 hours
Location: Aula Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgermeester Oudlaan 50 Rotterdam

Ticket information
Students/kids: €7,50
Employees: €7,50
Other visitors: €12,50

Organised by Erasmus Studenten Koor

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