The effectiveness of student-centered educational methods for self-regulated learning: What works and for whom?

CLI Network Event
Campus Woudestein in the morning.

Join us for this CLI Network Event! Network with peers and hear more about the interesting educational innovations and research taking place. This time, dr. Joyce Neroni, dr. Martine Baars, Samantha Vos, and dr. Lisette Wijnia will tell you more about what works and for whom regarding the improvement of SRL and SDL in student-centered, problem-driven learning methods. 

Monday 6 Nov 2023, 15:30 - 16:30
Spoken Language
Education Lab
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This overview study is a meta-analysis and systematic review on the effectiveness of problem-based (PBL) and project-based (PjBL) learning on self-regulated (SRL) and self-directed (SDL) learning. PBL and PjBL can differ greatly in design and implementation, such as the level of student control vs. teacher direction provided. Other student characteristics (e.g., motivation) and implementation factors (e.g., group size) may also affect SRL and SDL. This review aims to provide more insight into what works and for whom regarding the improvement of SRL and SDL in student-centered, problem-driven learning methods. The results of this meta-analysis will be discussed during the presentation.


  • Dr. Joyce Neroni (main presenter): Dr. Joyce Neroni was a post-doctoral researcher at the Open University of the Netherlands on this NRO-funded research project, and will start as a post-doctoral researcher at EUR from the 1st of November.
  • Samantha Vos: PhD student at the Open University of the Netherlands. Her PhD project focuses on the association between motivation, self-regulated learning, and well-being in higher education.
  • Dr. Martine Baars: Associate Professor Educational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), and worked as an EUR researcher on this project (co-applicant of the NRO project). From November 2023, she will start as associate professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen.
  • Dr. Lisette Wijnia: Associate professor Education Sciences at the Open University and main applicant of the NRO project.

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More information

Date: Monday 6 november
Time: 15:30 - 16:30 (doors open at 15:15)
Location: Erasmus Education Lab
Entrance: free

Organised by the Community for Learning & Innovation

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