106th Dies Natalis

Friday 8 Nov 2019, 15:30 - 17:15
Campus Woudestein
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Cortege tijdens Dies Natalis 2018
Michelle Muus

Erasmus University Rotterdam’s 106th Dies Natalis on Friday 8 November 2019 promises to be a special edition. This year, we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the presentation of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Professor Jan Tinbergen. Prominent and international speakers including Esther Duflo, laureate Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2019, and Minister of Finance Wopke Hoeksta, reflect on his academic merits and progressive ideas.

Tinbergen’s famous motto ‘Distribution generates profit’ is as relevant to Erasmus University today as it was half a century ago. Just as Tinbergen did in his day, Erasmus University sees it as its responsibility to take on the complex societal challenges faced across the globe.

Our guest speaker is Minister of Finance Wopke Hoekstra, who will be going into the importance of Tinbergen’s work in today’s society. Two prominent economists working in the spirit of Jan Tinbergen will be presented with an honorary doctorate

  • Professor Esther Duflo (MIT and laureate Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2019) receives an honorary doctorate by the recommendation of Erasmus School of Economics. Professor Olivier Marie, together with Professor Dinand Webbink honorary promotor, presents this doctorate.
  • Professor Dani Rodrik (Harvard University) is awarded an honorary doctorate by recommendation of the International Institute of Social Studies. Honorary promotors are Professor Mansoob Murshed and Professor Peter van Bergeijk.

The programme also includes a keynote speech of Professor Anne Gielen of Erasmus School of Economics, the presentation of the FAME Athena Award and a musical intermezzo by Sabrina Starke.

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Esther Duflo, winnaar Nobelprijs voor de Economie 2019, ontvangt op vrijdag 8 november een eredoctoraat van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Zij is voorgedragen
Esther Duflo
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