
2240 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • dr. (Hans) JA Joosse - Bil, MSc
  • (Alissa) AL van Zijl, MSc
  • dr. (Miranda) MC Lutz - Landesbergen, MSc
  • dr. (Frank) FCP van der Horst
    Frank van der Horst earned his Ph.D. at Leiden University in 2009 and has published widely on (the history of) attachment theory. His current research at…
  • dr. (Ruth) RER Van der Hallen
    Ever wondered why some individuals are more profoundly affected by trauma than others? Or why certain types of trauma seem to impact us differently? Or why…
  • (Kristel) K de Groot, MSc
    Kristel de Groot works at the Erasmus School of Economics, where she uses her background in biological psychology to examine the electrophysiological correlates…
  • dr. (Linda) LP Dekker
    Dr. Linda Dekker is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 2019 she successfully defended her PhD thesis…
  • prof.dr. (Marjolijn) M Das
    Marjolijn Das is an endowed Professor of Urban Statistics within the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities. She also works as a senior statistical…
  • dr. (Bruno) BR Bocanegra
  • 10 tips for effective studying
    10 tips for effective studying: 1. use a day planner; 2. routine is key; 3. where do you study best?; 4. eliminate task avoidance; 5. study actively; 6. take a

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