
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Urban Diversity
    Do you have a question or would like to collaborate with researchers from the Urban Diversity theme? Then contact them via this page.
  • Urban Diversity
    Several researchers are involved in research around urban diversity. Click on their names to see their research and get in touch.
  • Migration and diversity policy
    View the educational programmes involving researchers from the migration and diversity policy theme.
  • Migration and diversity policy
    Researchers from the Migration and Diversity Policy theme have won several prizes and awards both individually and with the team.
  • Migration and diversity policy
    Stay up-to-date with our research on Migration and diversity policy and contact us with any questions.
  • Urban Diversity
    Check out the educational programmes involving urban diversity researchers.
  • Urban Diversity
    Researchers from Urban Diversity theme have won several research awards
  • European Union and International Governance
    Stay up-to-date with our research on European Union and international relations and contact us with any questions.
  • dr. (Saliha) S Metinsoy
  • (Kay) KJH Mars
    Dilemmas of Doing Diversity (DiDi): practices and politics around DEI policy-making in sports and recreation Since October 2022, Kay has been involved as PhD…

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