
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Movez Lab
    Check out our interviews, podcasts, blogs and TV appearances where we discuss results from our research on media, youth and behavior.
  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    Read the latest news from the Erasmus SYNC Lab and stay informed on the latest research results.
  • dr. (Tom) TE Emery
    Dr. Tom Emery is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Tom is also the Deputy…
  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    The Erasmus SYNC lab contributes to various educational programs. It also offers students the opportunity to participate in research projects.
  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    The SYNC lab cooperates with a close network of partners.
  • dr. (Agnieszka) AM Kanas
    I am an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Politics at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. My research…
  • dr. (Thabo) TJ van Woudenberg
    Thabo van Woudenberg was born in 1989 in Leiden, the Netherlands. In 2012, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in communication science at the Radboud University in…
  • prof.dr. (Darren) DA McCauley
    Darren maintains a visiting professor role at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). His mixed methods research agenda focuses on investigating what a just…
  • (Marije) M van der Kruk
  • We can learn to learn
    Everyone knows how to summarise while taking lecture notes or studying. But there are several other techniques for learning. Educational psychologist Martine

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