
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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  • (Remco) R Vermeulen, MA
  • (Desiree) DND Meurs, MSc
  • dr. (Fadi) F Hirzalla
    Head of studies EGSHAssistant professor of research methodology Dr. Fadi Hirzalla is a scholar in political science and communication science, and a social…
  • (Mehmet) M Day
  • Effective and Efficient Learning Environments
    Stay up to date with our research on effective and efficient learning environments and contact us with questions.
  • Effectieve en Efficiënte Leeromgevingen
    View educational programs involving researchers from the effective and efficient learning environments theme.
  • Effective and Efficient Learning Environments
    View the group of researchers that is working on the research theme Effective and Efficient Learning Environments.
  • Effective and Efficient Learning Environments
    Check out our interviews, podcasts, blogs and TV appearances where we discuss results of our research on efficient and effective learning environments.
  • Family & Inequality
    Stay up to date on our research on family and inequality and contact us with questions.
  • Graduation ceremony
    On this page you find general information about the graduation ceremonies of ESSB and how you can register for the ceremony.

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