
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • BRICS Lab
    Check out researchers specialising in the topic of behavioural change
  • Get Involved!
    We want to answer important questions about the city and its inhabitants with our research and education. We do this together with all our stakeholders:…
  • BRICS Lab
    BRICS Lab engages society with science. Get in touch with us.
  • BRICS Lab
    BRICS lab's knowledge on behavioural change has been incorporated into various educational programmes.
  • BRICS Lab
    BRICS Lab works with a network of different partners.
  • BRICS Lab
    Check out our interviews, podcasts, blogs and TV appearances where we discuss results of our behavioural science research.
  • Cognitive processes of conspiracy theories
    Stay up to date on our research on Cognitive Processes of Conspiracy Thinking and contact us with questions.
  • Cognitive processes of conspiracy theories
    View educational programs involving researchers in the cognitive processes of conspiracy thinking theme.
  • dr. (Anita) A Harrewijn
    Why do some adolescents develop anxiety disorders, while others do not? And how can we use this knowledge for more effective interventions? I study neural and…
  • Organisational Dynamics in the Digital Society
    Stay up to date on our research on Organisational Dynamics in the Digital Society and contact us with questions.

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