
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Partners & Cultural Societies
    Studium Generale cooperates with a variety of partners, cultural societies, study associations and faculty associations in Rotterdam.
  • Study switch
    You face important decisions at various points in your life. One of these is choosing a study. You may previously have chosen a programme, but was this the righ
  • Consultation meeting
    Please note: scheduling an appointment is only possible 2 days prior to the open consultation hour.
  • Schedule your appointment
    Book your appointment with a Student counsellor. appointment type Woudestein is intended for all students, Erasmus MC is intended for medical students.
  • Elite sports and university education
    Erasmus University Rotterdam believes it is important that students are able to participate in elite sports activities.
  • Recognition criteria
    The Certificate of Recognition quickly demonstrates to potential employers that the EUR alumnus was active in a wide range of activities during his or her
  • Application
    On this page you find all the necessary information regarding the request for the certificate of recognition. Carefully follow all the subsequent steps.
  • FAQ & Contact
    Find the answers to the frequently asked questions about the Certificate of Recognition in ASK Erasmus. If you do not find the answer to your question, fill out
  • Exam Registry EUR
    The Exam Registry of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) contains information about the diplomas issued by EUR since 1990.
  • van Doorn lecture
    1st van Doorn lecture by professor dr. Mark Bovens LLM 2nd van Doorn lecture by professor Kees Schuyt LLM 3rd van Doorn lecture by professor Evelyn Ruppert

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