
2249 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Inge Wessels - study exchange to Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia.
    My semester abroad was truly amazing.
  • Public Administration Shanghai ranking
    #4 position in Shanghai Subject Ranking 2022
  • Jessie Renne, student Politics & Society
    Questions puzzling us about the link between politics and society can’t be answered by looking only at the political systems within a country. A broader…
  • Jessie Renne
    Questions puzzling us about the link between politics and society can’t be answered by looking only at the political systems within a country. A broader…
  • Kjell Noordzij
    If you are interested in understanding today’s politics, it does not suffice to simply look at the political field itself. Instead, you should analyse the…
  • Dr. Maria Schiller, Coordinator of the programme
    This master's programme assembles knowledge from various perspectives with a clear focus on politics, policies and organisations.
  • Nico Groenenboom
    Na mijn traineeship bij de gemeente Rotterdam ben ik doorgestroomd naar de functie van Beleidsadviseur bij de Directie Sport & Cultuur van de gemeente Rotterdam.
  • Priscilla Smit
    Hoe kunnen we het gedrag van de consument het beste onderzoeken?
  • Dr. Daantje Derks-Theunissen
    This programme emphasis positive organizational psychology, but also focuses on the role of job crafting, emotions and new methods of personnel selection in…
  • Prof. dr. Matthias Wieser
    In this programme you will learn how abnormal behaviour in people arises, how to diagnose it and how that behaviour can best be treated.

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