
2247 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Self-image of young people is mainly established in contact with others
    Interaction with peers appears to be decisive in how the self-image of young people is established. This is what research by Renske van der Cruijsen shows.
  • Why the Dutch quickly fall back into pre-pandemic behaviour
    Behavioural scientist Inge Merkelbach explains that in order to change behaviour permanently, it takes more than a pandemic.
  • Practice and guidance of students’ success of new master ESSB
    Julie pursued a master's degree in Health Psychology & Digital Interventions and learned how we can use technological innovations to solve health issues.
  • Alumni Network: The Strength of weak ties
    Loïs Gampierakis, alumna Pedagogy, contemplates the Strength of Weak Ties theory. How do alumni help with inspiration and opportunities? And how do you connect?
  • Guide for Virtual Hosting
    This blog explains the “Guide for Virtual Hosting”, developed to delve into the question of how to make online meetings just and sustainable.
  • Dr Daphne van de Bongardt is researching how to have healthy, enjoyable and desirable sex
    On Valentine's Day 2022, the lab will celebrate its first anniversary. Project leader Dr. Daphne van de Bongardt tells us how the first year went.
  • First online Master starts in September at ESSB
    Psychology of the Digital Media will be the first publicly financed master programme of the EUR starting online as per 1 September 2022.
  • Young people appear to be particularly generous donors
    Young people are easy to give, according to PhD research by Suzanne van de Groep. Even in situations in which they do not immediately earn something.
  • "Scientists are late to investigate notions of inequality"
    Jonathan Mijs receives a KNAW Early Career Award. He tells about his motives and why it is important to investigate social inequality.
  • Unrest in Rotterdam about 'De Hef'
    Researchers explain in AD / Rotterdams Dagblad why the people of Rotterdam are so angry about the dismantling of the iconic bridge 'De Hef'.

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