
2246 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Family status is an increasingly important predictor of a child's chances
    The status of the family in which the child grows up has become an increasingly important predictor in recent decades, says Professor Renske Keizer.
  • Moniek Buijzen appointed as Fellow of the International Communication Association
    Moniek Buijzen has been named an International Communication Association fellow. She now officially belongs to the top of international communication science.
  • Three-quarters of Christian youth want to become 'good at sex'
    Three-quarters of Christian students think it is important to become or be good at sex, according to research by Daphne van de Bongardt
  • Neurostimulation may inhibit aggressive behavior in forensic patients
    With her PhD research, Carmen Sergiou has taken the first step towards a treatment method to reduce aggressive behavior in forensic patients .
  • Has working from online platforms a bright or hopeless future?
    Researcher Yuri Scharp talks about the study into platform workers within the master's programme Digitalisation in Work and Society (DWS)
  • The obstacles ahead for nuclear deterrence
    Michal Onderco, the academic lead of Governing Future Society, talks about his research: National security and public opinion on Nuclear weapons.
  • Travelling far is not necessary for a holiday, but breaking the daily routine is
    Marianne van Woerkom, prof of positive organisational psychology, explains on that you do not have to travel far to experience that real holiday feeling.
  • Media literacy: how do we become more aware of how we deal with media?
    Researchers Moniek and Esther, along with Micky from the Dutch Media Literacy Network, talk about how they teach young people about the impact of social media.
  • More money, more meat?
    Kuznets curve dictates that more income means more meat consumption. Natasha Ogier-Russell and Jennifer Holland present evidence against this theory.
  • ESSB participates in Gravitation programme on the Algorithmic Society
    Moniek Buijzen is part of the consortium 'The Algorithmic Society (ALGOSOC)' that receives 21.3 million euros from the Gravitation Programme.

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