Why is heartbreak so painful?

Freddy van der Veen explains it a BBC podcast

Psychologist dr Freddy van der Veen, Erasmus University Rotterdam explains in the BBC podcast series ‘Why do we do that’  about romantic rejection. 

BBC radio 4 presents a new podcast series ‘Why do we do that’ in which Paleo-anthropologist Ella Al-Shamahi dives into the cultural, historical and evolutionary story of our species to investigate the origins of some familiar everyday habits.

In the episode  ‘Why is heartbreak so painful?’  talks psychologist Freddy van der Veen  about his work on online dating and romantic rejection.

Freddy van der Veen investigates how people differ in their responses to romantic rejection and acceptance. He uses an online dating paradigm, similar to dating apps like Tinder. Participants in his studies are confronted with how they are romantically judged in a laboratory setting, while their brain and heart rate responses are measured. His findings show that romantic rejection is associated with heart rate slowing, which is thought to reflect emotional pain. Ongoing research tries to associate this response with individual differences in terms of personality characteristics, depression and anxiety.  
He also participates in the Erasmus Love Lab.


Associate professor
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Marjolein Kooistra, communications ESSB, kooistra@essb.eur.nl

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