Using design for data empowerment

What happens when communities are put in the driving seat?
Burgers tijdens event Data Desing Studio
Burgers tijdens event Data Desing Studio
Luuk Schokker

What happens when researchers work with local, urban communities, as opposed to studying them from a distance? And what happens when these communities, rather than the government or the market, are put in the driving seat in thinking about their futures? In this edition, we zoom in the unique collaboration between researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam and TU Delft and residents of the Rotterdam neighbourhood Afrikaanderwijk. 


In the Data Empowerment Design Studio, dr. Emiel Rijshouwer and dr. Els Leclercq from LDE Centre for BOLD Cities) teamed up with local residents, designers and neighbourhood initiatives in Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk in order to discuss questions like: How can we involve citizens in urban data issues? What problems and opportunities do residents see when it comes to societal challenges? And how does (the use of) data come into play when we address these issues? The participants went in search of the specific case of 'last mile logistics' - the last part of a parcel's journey from warehouse to recipient. On 6 March, we attended the final presentation of the pilot. In here we will inform you about the main findings and future plans.

Data empowerment

Data sources increasingly influence daily life in cities. One of the Centre for BOLD Cities’ main objectives is creating awareness of these processes. Data empowerment is a next step, in which urban residents not only gain knowledge on the use of data in the city, but are actively involved in figuring out what their role in the digital society is or can be.

By asking citizens how they think about digitally influenced urban processes (such as online shopping and delivery) and inviting them to think about possible solutions, the Data Empowerment Design Studio not only enhances the development of data empowerment. The studio also looks into the themes and questions that arise in topics that deal with urban data, such as, for example, the relationship between government and citizens, or formal and informal relationships and economies in neighbourhoods.

Last mile logistics

In the pilot phase of the Data Empowerment Design Studio, residents of Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk were invited to share their ideas about parcel delivery. Parcel delivery is heavily influenced by data. Not only is it about data of the individual order. Especially the data that is used and produced to deliver parcels (which delivery method, which deliverer, delivery time, delivery address in case of an absent orderer, etc.) is extensive and has a big influence on streets and neighbourhoods. 

In the pilot, the BOLD Cities researchers, assisted by designers from Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken, aimed to determine which issues come to mind when residents engage with this topic. What are their ideas about designs of last-mile logistics that are good for the neighbourhood and its residents? And do they see possibilities for the use of data in this, or not at all?

As such, the Data Empowerment Design Studio not only acquaints its participants with the various forms of data usage in the digitalising city, but also examines to what extent their proposed ideas and solutions can be enriched through a certain extent of data ownership.

During the pilot, participants came up with several solutions to embed delivery in a more local context, using data as well as aiming to improve the environment and social cohesion in the city. Ideas included setting up a local delivery service via existing markets and ‘hacking’ the possible use of a home-based delivery point by adding services on top of only offering the possibility of picking up parcels elsewhere.

Next steps

The Data Empowerment Design Studio team is currently looking into a next step by setting up a second project in a different neighbourhood or municipality. Emiel Rijshouwer, lead researcher of the project, told the Dutch source Binnenlands Bestuur in an interview that he is eager to continue the project. “The smart city is always presented as developed for and with citizens," he says. "But the first question should be: in what kind of neighbourhood would you like to live? How can we use data to realise this? We should have these conversations much more often.”

Author: dr. Jiska Engelbert


dr. Emiel Rijshouwer
Britt Boeddha van Dongen

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