Discussions about reading in schools have a positive effect on the reading motivation, comprehension, and behaviour of pupils in primary and secondary education. This is evident from a literature study by university lecturer Lesya Ganushchak, published in the report ‘Talking about reading’.
Ganushchak examined 62 studies focusing on programmes where reading was discussed during school hours. The central questions in the literature study were: How are discussions about reading designed in the classroom? and What effect do these discussions have on the reading motivation, reading behaviour and reading skills of pupils?
Most studies (98%) show that discussions about reading, mainly when well structured and supported by teachers or fellow pupils, increase the involvement of pupils and contribute to better reading motivation. However, the results for reading comprehension are mixed. A positive effect can often be seen for weaker readers (46%), while other studies find no effect.
Various preconditions make discussions about reading successful. For example, it is beneficial when students lead the discussions themselves, with support from teachers where necessary. In addition, free text selection, structured reading activities, and good preparation by both students and teachers are stimulating.
Based on her findings, Ganushchak offers the following tips for education professionals:
- Provide choice: Providing choice in reading materials and topics increases student engagement and motivation
- Timing: Timing and topic of conversation should be well-aligned with the purpose of the conversation, such as a pre-reading introduction and a post-reading discussion
- Provide guided reading conversations: Teachers should incorporate structured, guided conversations to strengthen students’ reading comprehension
- Emphasize instructional support: Combining reading conversations with explicit instruction and guidance can increase student effectiveness and comprehension
- Encourage collaborative learning: Encouraging small group conversations promotes comprehension and a sense of community in the classroom
- Invest in professional development: Teachers need training and ongoing support to have effective reading conversations, such as providing materials through reading media consultants
Download the report below to read the research and findings.
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Marjolein Kooistra, communicatie ESSB, 0683676038, kooistra@essb.eur.nl