Daphne van de Bongardt appointed as full professor of 'Relational and sexual development, education and health'

Daphne van de Bongardt

Pedagogue and sociologist Dr. Daphne van de Bongardt has been appointed to the chair of 'Relational and sexual development, education and health' at Erasmus University Rotterdam as of January 1.

This chair focuses on the multifaceted and complex phenomenon of human sexuality, specifically during the developmental stages of adolescence and young adulthood. Although sexuality plays a central role in ‘being human’ throughout life, early relational and sexual developments in the first quartile of life form essential building blocks for lifelong experiences with love, intimate relationships and sexuality.

Daphne van de Bongardt: “Within this chair, I focus on the question: What do young people need to develop and maintain healthy, safe and positive relationships and sexuality? And who or what can effectively support them in this, and how? In doing so, I look at the broad and complex social context in which young people find themselves, such as the family, peers and school, but also other aspects of our rapidly changing society, such as the omnipresent online world and social media.”

The new chair uses an transdisciplinary approach. Daphne van de Bongardt: “I am a big advocate for collaboration across the borders of disciplines, organisations and countries. I also think it is essential to put the voice of young people themselves at the centre, for example through various methods of cocreation research. Moreover, my goal is not only to develop new scientific knowledge. But also, to actively share this knowledge and apply this knowledge where it is needed to truly support young people –and their environment– in their experiences with love, intimate relationships and sexuality. That is why giving this important theme a more structural place in education is also an important spearhead of this chair.”

The new chair also has a strong societal vision and mission. Daphne van de Bongardt: “Sexual health is not something that stands on its one. It is closely intertwined with our physical, emotional, mental and social well-being. For decades, scientific research has shown that people with healthy, safe and positive intimate relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Investing in that from an early age is no superfluous luxury. After all, young people are the society of the future.”

About Daphne van de Bongardt

Dr. Daphne van de Bongardt has been affiliated with the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) since 2016. She conducts research on the development of adolescents and young adults in the area of love and sexuality from a socio-contextual perspective. The translation between science, practice and society is an important pillar of her work and also part of the mission of the Erasmus Love Lab that she founded in 2021. In addition, management and leadership activities, both within and outside the university, form a common thread throughout her career. She was program director research for Pedagogical Sciences, chair of the Young Erasmus Academy, and general board member of the Dutch Scientific Society for Sexology (NVVS). She is currently a member of the Advisory Board of Foundation Sexual Wellbeing Netherlands, vice-chair of the EUR program for Recognition and Rewards, and since March 2023 department director of the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS). The new chair is part of the team 'Behavioural Resilience in Action for Vital Existence (BRAVE)' within DPECS.

More information

Marjolein Kooistra, communicatie ESSB, 0683676038, kooistra@essb.eur.nl

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