
28 results

  • Polarisatie, Democratie en Samenleving

    Understand societal polarization, discover why people have different views on democracy, and explore the role democratic renewal can play.
  • Psychology of the Digital Media

    In this master we focus on the role of digital media in human thought and action. Students learn new online methods.
  • Public Administration and Organisational Science (Research Master)

    Do you want to become able to help governments better solve societal problems like climate, migration and digitalisation?
  • Public Governance, Management and Policy (online master)

    Are you interested in learning about societal problems and governance responses in an online community? Discover our new online master Public Governance, Manage
  • Publiek Management

    In this Dutch master's specialisation, you will learn to research and address current strategic issues.
  • Social Inequalities

    Do you want to know how public policies can help to reduce social inequality and want to become an expert in the field? Then this is your master track.
  • Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities

    Do you wonder what role cities play in discovering answers to social issues such as poverty, climate change, health, unemployment, and inequality?
  • Work & Organisational Psychology

    This master's track emphasises organisational psychology and the role of emotions in modern organisations.

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