
  • Action-oriented research for social change

    This course focuses on doing research with which researchers not only aim to understand societal issues but also wish to contribute to social change.
  • Assessment in Higher Education

    In this MOOC we will guide you through the different phases of preparing, creating and evaluating the assessments in your course. Learn how to optimize your own
  • Bounce back: handling the mental and emotional challenges of doing a PhD

    This workshop teaches you the skills to be more resilient.
  • Brush up your research design

    The objective of this course is to support you in designing (brushing up, revising) your research project in such a way that you will achieve your research aim.
  • Creating societal impact

    Academic output is often inaccessible to non-academic audiences. This course aims to tackle these challenges.
  • Data analysis with R

    In this course the instructor will illustrate the application of R with practical examples. R is widely used open-source software environment for data analysis.
  • Data carpentry for social sciences and humanities

    In this workshop participants will learn how to organize and clean quantitative data and how to control the quality of such data.
  • Dealing with teaching challenges

    This workshop aims to give PhD candidates practical support for their teaching activities and a brief introduction to a number of general didactical principles.
  • Digital research methods for textual data

    The course is specifically designed for people who do not feel comfortable using technical programming software. It introduces a set of digital research methods.
  • Discourse analysis

    Discourse analysis helps you to analyse biographic data.

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