Searching and managing your literature

Methodology courses and philosophy of science
Brown wooden drawer


This three hour workshop focuses on practical aspects of doing your literature review. Topics may include:

  • How to prepare your literature search by creating a search profile;
  • Choosing bibliographic software (for example RefWorks or Mendeley);
  • Choosing databases: from general / multidisciplinary (citation) databases to discipline specific sources;
  • Staying up-to-date via alerts on search profiles;
  • Using tools to locate the full-text of journal articles (for example Unpaywall and Library Access);
  • Creating your own ‘research information landscape’ by defining top authors and affiliations and top journals;
  • Creating a visualization of (for instance keywords in) your literature corpus with VOSviewer.

Course information

Number of sessions: 1
Hours per session: 4

Key Facts & Figures

Instruction language

What will you achieve?

  • After completion of the workshop you will be able to make efficient use of available sources and tools in order to create a kick start for your thesis.
  • You will be able to document your search process
  • You will be able to plan an appropriate search strategy,
  • You will be able to make a choice of relevant databases.
  • You will be able to locate and use search filters in databases.
  • You will be able to manage your references using bibliographic software.
  • You will be able to create your own research information landscape.

Start dates

Edition 1 (online)

October 2 (Wednesday) 2024
13.00-17.00 hrs
Online (Teams)

Edition 2 (offline)

April 2 (Wednesday) 2025
13.00-17.00 hrs
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Suitable for / entry level

  • The workshop is specifically suitable for 1st year PhD candidates, starting to orient themselves; the course can also act as a refresher course;
  • Some experience of bibliographic database searching would be beneficial to get the most out of the workshop;
  • A first quick bibliographical search into your topic is strongly advised, in order to address possible problems during the workshop.

Note that this workshop has some overlap with the first course session of the PhD course "Doing the (systematic) literature review". PhD candidates who have already followed that course should consider this workshop as a refresher of that session.

Preparatory assignments

  • There are no preparatory assignments for this workshop, but in order to actively participate in the workshop you could have a look at the at the training and support portal  of the University Library. There you can choose relevant e-modules covering the whole research cycle.


  • Portrait of Judith Gulpers
    Judith Gulpers
    Judith Gulpers is Liaison Librarian for the Erasmus University Library. At the Library she covers research and educational support for the disciplines Philosophy and Psychology. She supports academic staff and students in the use of library resources through online courses, bespoken training and individual assistance.
    Email address


Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School
  • €195,- for non-members
  • consult our enrolment policy for more information
Not applicable
Application deadline
Tuesday 21 Nov 2023
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language

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