Research grants: Opportunities and core skills

Professional skills
people nervously listening if they are the award-winner.


The objective of this workshop is to introduce PhD candidates envisaging a career in academia to the Dutch and European research grant landscape and to the skills that underpin grant capture.  

Applying for research grants at the national or European level, or from alternative sources, is central to academic life. Grants open up pathways for academic career development and are often the means by which the employment of junior academics is funded. Grants are, however, competitive. It is important as an early-stage researcher to understand the research landscape, and to start developing essential skills for grant success.  

Course information

ECTS: 1,5
Number of sessions: 2
Hours per session: 3

Key Facts & Figures

Instruction language

What will you achieve?

  • After this workshop you will be familiar with the main research grant opportunities available to (recent) PhD graduates.
  • After this workshop you will know how and where to begin a successful grant application.
  • After this workshop you will know what the important aspects and challenges are in developing a research proposal.
  • After this workshop you will know how to write research proposal summaries for a generalist academic audience and an academic CV.

Start dates

Edition 1 (offline)

Session 1
March 27 (Thursday) 2025
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Session 2
April 3 (Thursday) 2025
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01


Edition 2 (offline)

Session 1
June 19 (Thursday) 2025
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Session 2
June 26 (Thursday) 2025
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Aims and working method 

This workshop is comprised of two sessions and focusses on the Dutch and European research funding context and the grant opportunities that immediately follow the PhD award, including the Dutch Research Council’s Rubicon and Veni grants, and the European Commission’s Skłodowska-Curie Actions.  

Making use of examples of successful grant proposals, participants will learn about the key components and challenges in writing a successful grant proposal. The workshop will also develop and practice new skills in writing research proposal summaries for a generalist academic audience and in creating academic CV narratives specifically for grant applications.  

Entry level and relevance 

There are no specific prerequisites, but please note that the workshop is specifically relevant for PhD candidates in the second half of their PhD program

Session descriptions

  • Introduction, expectations and current knowledge about the challenges in obtaining a grant 
  • An overview of key research grant opportunities (Dutch Research Council and European Commission) for new PhDs 
  • Getting started: Where to begin plus do’s and don’ts 
  • The research grant proposal and the importance of the abstract 
  • Assignment: Writing your own grant proposal abstract (to be completed prior to session 2) 

  • Peer review of grant proposal abstracts  
  • 50 word-summaries: A hallmark of NWO  
  • Aspects of the academic CV for research grants: from theory to practice (participants are to bring a copy of their CV to the workshop) 
  • Reflection on new skills 


About the instructors

  • The instructors are a team of trainers from ERS. The names of the trainers will be announced before the start of the course.


Telephone: +31 (0)10 4082607 (Graduate School)

Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School
  • € 300,- for non-members
  • consult our enrolment policy for more information
Not applicable
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language

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