Qualitative data analysis with Grounded Theory

Infographic of Grounded Theory


Qualitative data analysis (QDA) is a generic term for methods and techniques that are used to assess different forms of qualitative data, such as written text, (transcriptions of) open interviews, and visual material.

This course focuses on Grounded Theory as one of the dominant approaches to QDA, but it will also give you an impression of the broader field of QDA and the divergent ways and terminologies there are for doing QDA, particularly with regard to Discourse Analysis and Phenomenology.

The course focuses on “inductive” ways of analysing data (meaning: forming theory based on data exploration), which is the standard in QDA. The course does not deal with “deductive” approaches, which focus on testing theory-based hypotheses on data.


Course information

ECTS: 2.5 
Number of sessions: 4
Hours per session: 3

Key Facts & Figures

Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • After completing the course you will understand the methodology of QDA, particularly with regard to the Grounded Theory approach.
  • After completing the course you will be able to code qualitative material with the help of the program ATLAS.ti.
  • After the course you will understand how to analyze coded data.
  • After the course you will be able to make informed decisions about how to report a QDA-based study.

Start dates

Session 1
November 12 (Tuesday) 2024
9.30-12.30 hrs
Online (Teams)

Session 2
November 19 (Tuesday) 2024
9.30-12.30 hrs
Online (Teams)

Session 3
November 26 (Tuesday) 2024
14.00-17.00 hrs
Online (Teams)

Session 4 
December 10 (Tuesday) 2024
9.30-12.30 hrs
Online (Teams)

Aims and working method

The course focuses on “inductive” ways of analysing data (meaning: forming theory based on data exploration), which is the standard in QDA. The course does not deal with “deductive” approaches, which focus on testing theory-based hypotheses on data.

Note that this is not an ATLAS.ti course. However, the course introduces the program’s basic functionalities for QDA and offers a first training in using the program. To further develop your ATLAS.ti skills you can attend the course Qualitative coding and analysis of textual data with ATLAS.ti and/or consult the many online ATLAS.ti tutorials. 

Before enrolling please inform yourself about the course contents, aims and planning as described below. The course is credited with 2.5 ECTS, which stands for 70 study hours. Note that 25 of these 70 hours are assigned to making a report for session 4. Please find above more information about the planning of the different sessions.

Entry level

The course is designed as an introduction to QDA and Grounded Theory. This means that it is made accessible to researchers who are not familiar with the methodology and methods of coding and analyzing qualitative data and with reporting the results of QDA.

Session description

In the first session we will discuss the methodology of QDA, especially with regard to Grounded Theory, and the academic context in which Grounded Theory and inductive research generally emerged.

Session 2 focuses on the main techniques for qualitative data coding and analysis. We will do concrete exercises with applying those techniques in ATLAS.ti, preferably with your own data.

In the third session we will explore variations in QDA (in Grounded Theory in particular) and quality criteria such as validity, reliability and accuracy of qualitative coding and analysis. We will do this on the basis of brief critical evaluations of published literature by the participants.

For session 4 each participant will make a brief report (of approximately 1500 words) of his or her own qualitative data analysis in ATLAS.ti. This report resembles a concise version of the method and results sections of a typical research paper. By making this report and doing the underlying analyses participants will have an early opportunity to really discover what QDA (with Grounded Theory in particular) means in practice. During session 4 participants will give each other feedback on their report.


  • Portrait of dr. Fadi Hirzalla
    Dr. Fadi Hirzalla is the Graduate School senior lecturer and methodology consultant. He specialises in quantitative and qualitative methods and methodology, next to his substantive interests in citizenship and new media, with a particular focus on intercultural relations and young people. Prior to joining the Graduate School, he worked at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University.
    Email address


Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School
  • €575,- for non-members
  • consult our enrolment policy for more information
Not applicable
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

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