Dealing with teaching challenges


* LAST CHANCE! Please note that this is the last time we will teach this course. In the future we will refer you to the RISBO course: 'Didactics of delivery in education'

Please contact your faculty about organising this course for you.This workshop aims to give PhD candidates practical support for their teaching activities. Participants are asked to share their teaching questions and concerns, and to give each other advice. In addition, it offers a brief introduction to a number of general didactical principles.


Course information 

ECTS: 1  
Number of sessions: 1 
Hours per session: 4 

Key Facts & Figures

Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • After completing the workshop participants will know how they can possibly deal with various teaching challenges experienced by themselves and other participants.

Start dates

Edition 1 (offline)

September 20 (Wednesday) 2023
Langeveld building (campus map), room 1.10

Edition 2 (offline)

February 27 (Tuesday) 2024
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Edition 3 (offline)

June 24 (Monday) 2024
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Aims and working method 

Many PhD candidates do some teaching next to their research activities. When they lack teaching experience or proper didactical training, however, they will need to find out, for a significant part by themselves, how to design, offer and manage a course properly.

For instance, they will need to learn and experience how to prepare for a course meeting effectively; how to design a course that is both fun and productive; how to make a classroom safe but also challenging, critical, and open to diverse ideas; and how to deal with frictions and complaints. 

The main purpose of the workshop is to offer a moment of reflection on such matters. Participants will be asked to share their teaching questions and concerns, and to give each other advice. In addition, the workshop offers a brief introduction to a number of general didactical principles.

We hope the workshop can give PhD candidates some practical support for their teaching activities. Other and more comprehensive didactical courses can be followed at RISBOCommunity for Learning and Innovation, and TeachEUR.

Entry level and relevance 

Because the course relies on input and reflection from participants, the course is particularly suited and relevant for people who have at least some teaching experience.

How to prepare 

Participants will be asked to share questions about teaching and offer a detailed description of the situations or circumstances in which these questions emerged.


  • Portrait of dr. Fadi Hirzalla
    Dr. Fadi Hirzalla is the Graduate School senior lecturer and methodology consultant. He specialises in quantitative and qualitative methods and methodology, next to his substantive interests in citizenship and new media, with a particular focus on intercultural relations and young people. Prior to joining the Graduate School, he worked at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University.


Telephone: +31 (0)10 4082607 (Graduate School)

Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School
  • € 230,- for non-members
  • Consult our enrolment policy for more information
Not applicable
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

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