Sports philosopher Sandra Meeuwsen interviewed for NRC-podcast Het Uur

Sandra Meeuwissen staat op de filosofiefaculteit en lacht naar de camera

Sports philosopher and director of 'Erasmus Center for Sport Integrity & Transition' Sandra Meeuwsen is interviewed in the NRC podcast Het Uur: 'Sport has always had that liberating and exalting function in people's lives.'

As a sports philosopher and director of 'Erasmus Center for Sport Integrity & Transition' (ESPRIT), Sandra Meeuwsen thinks about the ethical dilemmas and philosophical aspects of sport. In an interview with Pieter van der Wielen for the NRC podcast Het Uur, she talks about this sports summer, including the Olympic Games, the Tour de France and the European Football Championship. She also shares her vision about sport as an outlet for desires and emotions that are often suppressed in everyday life, about how the spontaneous side of sport is limited by VAR technology, about the illusion of an equal start, the causes of transgressive behavior and about what works against hooliganism, instead of a stadium ban.

As a sports philosopher and former triathlete, Meeuwsen does not view sport as a rational, semi-objective spectator, but looks at expressions in sport and the values ​​that are active there from a phenomenological position, embedded in the (sports) body.

More information

Listen to the podcast via Spotify (in Dutch).

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