
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • GAMECO2019
    Games, Media and Communication: Quo Vadis? On 7 & 8 November 2019 the GAMECO2019 Symposium will take place. This symposium is a collaboration between ECREA…
  • Research Collaborations
    Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens Erasmus Studio Creative Industries EMDI-Erasmus Migration and Diversity Institute Leiden - Delft - Erasmus …
  • formulier test
  • Research matters
    Doing a PhD Integrity, ethics and datamanagement Contact Research Schools Research Collaborations
  • Social housing associations
    Stadswonen Rotterdam lets over 6,000 good-quality, affordable rooms, studios and flats to students and people starting out on the Rotterdam’s housing market.
  • Campus
    Link Open in Google Maps Download the Campus map
  • Accommodation
    Hotel Savoy Rotterdam  95 euros per night excluding breakfast and 110 euros including breakfast (city taxes excluded). In order to book with this special rate,…
  • Travel
    Getting to Rotterdam Arrival by Aeroplane Transport from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Erasmus University Woudestein Campus:  To get from Schiphol Airport to…
  • Session: Journalism & Political Communication
    Raphael Tsavkko Garcia, an distinguished journalist will talk to the audience about his time working for The Guardian, BBC, AI Jazeera, and more (PAC).
  • Session: Closing alumni panel
    A panel consisting of four media and communication alumni will share the insights of their work during this session (PAC).

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