
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Sub project: FIFA World Cups (1930-2014)
    “Mercenaries a growing part of international football as 83 players in France will be born outside country (….) [thus] 15 per cent — have planted a flag of…
  • Jacco van Sterkenburg
    Jacco van Sterkenburg works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus University. He obtained his PhD at the Humanities…
  • Gijs van Campenhout
    Gijs van Campenhout (1986) holds a Research Master’s degree in Regional Studies (2011) from the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, and an…
  • Gijsbert Oonk
    Gijsbert Oonk (1966) is a Global Historian whose research and teaching activities are in the field of Global History, especially African and Indian History,…
  • Centre for Historical Culture / CHC
    On this page you can find an overview of (affiliated) research associates of the Centre for Historical Culture.
  • Popular culture and war
    Dr Kees Ribbens leads the project on popular culture and war of the Centre for Historical Culture. Read more about Ribbens and the research project on this page.
  • Events
    Find out more about the events of the Erasmus Centre for the History of the Rhine (ECHR) on this page.
  • A Rhine Economy, 1870-2000
    Visit this page to learn more about the research project A Rhine Economy, 1870-2000 of the Erasmus Centre for the History of the Rhine.
  • Transnational Rhine Network
    The Transnational Rhine Network explores the economic development of the Rhine clusters. Read more on this page.
  • Centre publications
    On this page you can find an overview of publications of the Erasmus Centre for the History of the Rhine.

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