
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Jasmin Seijbel
    Jasmin Seijbel (1992) is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History Culture and Communication (Department of History). Her research involves educational…
  • Christian Ungruhe
    Christian Ungruhe is a social anthropologist working in the fields of migration, youth, work and sport with a regional emphasis on West Africa. He has joined…
  • Data-inspired creativity
    In the changing media landscape, ever-increasing amounts of digital data are being created that are being used to reach an increasingly fragmented audience…
  • Team members in the media
    To read an article, please choose a university first Erasmus University Rotterdam …
  • Where music meets research
    Pop music has gained an increasingly prominent position in the Dutch (creative) economy, science and society in recent decades.
  • POPLIVE - Staging popular music
    POPLIVE is a large-scale research project on live music. The project is focused on how local live music ecologies can contribute to value creation in the careers
  • Introduction day Bachelor en (Pre-)master
    All new students will receive the program and information by e-mail. In case you haven’t received this e-mail, please see the introduction letters and programs…
  • Electives for students of Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Bachelor students of other faculties of the Erasmus University can (occasionally) follow an elective at the ESHCC.
  • International Network Popular Uses of the Past (POPUP)
    The Centre for Historical Culture (CHC) together with two other organisations founded the International Network Popular Uses of the Past (POPUP) in 2016. Read
  • Electives for ESHCC students
    Are you a Bachelor or Master student at ESHCC? Go to and choose your programme to read more about the available electives.

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