
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Touching war
    This project focuses on visitors of war sites, on people that travel to former battlefields, war cemeteries and other locations related to major armed conflicts
  • Citizen Engagement
    Politics and Digital Media in Namibia The aim of this PhD project is to explore how the youth engage in politics through social media in Namibia. The main…
  • (Yoonjung) Y Kang, MA
  • dr. (Tonny) AFM Krijnen
    **Tonny Krijnen is an Associate Professor and the Education Programme Director at the Department of Media & Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam.**…
  • dr. (Chris) CE Aalberts
    Chris Aalberts is docent en onderzoeker politieke communicatie. Hij is gespecialiseerd in kwalitatief onderzoek naar de relatie tussen burgers en politiek. Zijn…
  • Boundaries by Design
    How Dutch and American Designers Navigate Multiple Fields Design emerged in the 20th century as an essential competitive advantage in current markets. Having…
  • Regarding the pain of others
    Representations and perceptions of mediated distant suffering Most of today’s humanitarian catastrophes are taking place in countries of the so-called Global…
  • The making of the market for Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painting, 1886-2014
    The making of the market for Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painting, 1886-2014 Even though Impressionism is among the most popular movements in art…
  • Symbolic Struggles in Changing Cultural Hierarchies
    How is status distinction practiced and negotiated while cultural hierarchies and symbolic meanings are changing?  Despite plenty of research on cultural…
  • Social Media and its Impact on College Students’ Trust in China
    As the world’s biggest Internet user, China has quite active environment for social media. Since the increasing emergence of social media such as forums, blogs,…

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