
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Sport, Migration, Citizenship, ‘Race’ and National Identity: Towards a new research agenda
    Expert-meeting organised by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Posthumus Institute, the Sport and Nation network and the Football and Race network.
  • Conference programme
    Conference programm Sport and Nation
  • Research questions
    Our PhD students (Gijs van Campenhout and Joost Jansen) started to work with some research questions (Sport and Nation project).
  • Key publications
    Some key Publications from the Sport and Nation and Sport and Race networks.
  • dr. (Mafalda) AM Damaso
    Mafalda Dâmaso is Researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam, which she originally joined in 2021 as Lecturer in Cultural Industries and Policy. Her research…
  • SSN 2022 Conference Programme
    SSN 2022 Conference Programme.
  • dr. (Maria) M Avraamidou
    Digital & traditional media and migration; media and nationalism; postcolonial communication 
  • Publications
    Here you can find a listing of published work by RPMS members, including collaborations with others from outside the research group.
  • Minor Mu$ic: The Economy, Sociology and Practice of Popular Music
    MU$IC: The Economy, Sociology and Practice of Popular Music combines practical skills and theoretical knowledge to create a unique amalgam of academic...
  • About Us
    Meet the members of the Rotterdam Popular Music Studies (RPMS) research group.

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