
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Scheduling Office
    Here, you will find the contact information of ESHCC's Scheduling Office
  • dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer
  • (Anne) AK van Eldik, MSC MA
    Anne van Eldik is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Center for Media, Communication & Culture. Her research focuses on urban media engagement by…
  • prof.dr. (Martine) M van Selm
  • (Stine) S Skovbon
    Stine Skovbon is conducting a PhD on classical music and sustainability focusing on how symphony orchestras are incirporating sustainable practices. 
  • Reserved accommodation
    The EUR reserved spots for about 25% of our yearly incoming international Bachelor, Master or exchange students.
  • (Kaixin) K Cheng, MA
    Kaixin Cheng (Xiaoming) is a PhD candidate and junior lecturer at ESHCC, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Supervised by promotors prof. dr. Marc Verboord and prof…
  • (Zhen) Z Ye, MA
    Zhen Ye (1995) is a PhD candidate in the Department of Media & Communication. Under the supervision of Prof. dr. Susanne Janssen and dr. Tonny Krijnen,…
  • (Xiaoyu) X Zhang
  • (Anne) AF Heslinga
    **Annie Heslinga is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History Culture and Communication (Department of History).** Her doctoral research is funded by the…

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