
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • (Nikki) N Sikkema, MA
  • (Daphne) DR Geveke, MA
  • (Burak) BC Fici, MA
  • (Rayke) R van Lent, MSc
  • (Nicky) N van Es, MA
    Nicky van Es (1988) is a PhD candidate in the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC) at Erasmus University Rotterdam, on the NWO…
  • (Liesbeth) LJLM De Strooper, MA
    Liesbeth De Strooper (Leuven, 1988) joined the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies in September 2011 as a lecturer and PhD candidate. Her PhD will focus on…
  • (Miguel) M Neiva
    My ongoing PhD research focuses on the role of club culture in the socioemotional well-being of LGBTQI+ youth (18-29) in Lisbon and Rotterdam. My publications…
  • dr. (Sarah) SM Young
    Sarah Young is a postdoc in Digitalization and AI with the department of Media & Communication. Her current work explores the technical discourse and social…
  • (Debora) D Ribeiro Povoa
    Débora Póvoa is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Arts and Culture Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research focuses on power and…
  • Master Arts and Culture Studies
    Are you looking for a Master in Arts and Culture Studies? Then have a look at the programmes of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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