
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
    Would you like a career in the creative and cultural industries? Then the International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies in Rotterdam is the right preparation.
  • (Didier) DM Goossens, MA
    **Didier Goossens - born on March 21, 1996 - is a lecturer and doctoral researcher in the Department of Arts and Culture Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam…
  • dr. (David) DRS Ongenaert
  • dr. (Kyriakos) K Riskos
    Dr. Kyriakos Riskos is an Assistant Professor in Communication, Media and Business at the Department of Media and Communication, Erasmus School of History,…
  • dr. (Julia) J Peters
  • dr. (Kristina) KJ Kolbe
    Kristina is an Assistant Professor in Sociology of Arts and Culture at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. She joined ESHCC after…
  • (Fraser) FKS Robinson
  • (Yixiang) Y Que, MA
  • (Bowen) B Ran, MA
    With a keen interest in the meta-reflections on how people from different contexts and times have shaped and related to their multifaceted pasts, the primary…
  • (Emanuela) E Naclerio
    Emanuela Naclerio is Postdoc Researcher on the NWO-funded VIDI project Crafting Future Urban Economies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her current research…

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