
2576 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Francesca C. Pimpinella
    Working in a different country teaches you valuable lessons about the country itself, including its culture and its people.
  • Anastasia Geraskina
    I am not a language teacher. I am a 'culture-sharer'.
  • Maartje van Gog - study exchange to Western University, Canada
    Because of the scholarship I was able to travel more and really enjoy my experience abroad.
  • Dominique Nolen - internship abroad at the Regional Finance Department of the TMF Group in Hong Kong
    I was really happy to receive the Holland Scholarship, Hong Kong was more expensive than expected.
  • Lourents - study exchange to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Lourents: "The whole experience is something I will never forget. Studying abroad, travelling, exploring new cultures and getting to know people from all over is
  • Inge Wessels - study exchange to Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia.
    My semester abroad was truly amazing.
  • Elsbeth van der Ploeg
    During the master, I developed a lot of skills that are beneficial at every job.
  • Alfiero Zanotto
    I felt quite prepared when I started my first job, since the master gave me great confidence.
  • Erik Börjesson
    Career wise, the most valuable thing I learnt was to see how an advertising or marketing campaign develops through the different stages.
  • Sarah Ruigrok
    Because I now work at such a big company, I get insights in many different fields. I see what they are doing and I get to talk to the people from other fields.

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