
2576 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Kyungwon Kang
    Museums and galleries have to find a new way to approach their audiences
  • Nico Frouws
    Give it your all, because in the end you are there to learn.
  • Melissa de Jong
    If you get the amazing chance to go on exchange, take it with both hands!
  • Julia Lefeber
    I learned that I do not need to pin myself down on a certain career yet.
  • Darja Samarina
    I never thought I would have the opportunity to work at such a large and famous museum.
  • Jesper Pronk
    Try to find where your interests really lie before choosing which jobs to apply for.
  • Ernst Prosman
    Being in a position where you have to deal with recent and urgent international developments, it is very important to understand the – historical – backgrounds.
  • Sebastian Brock
    Rotterdam feels like studying in one city that combines all the diversity of Europe in one place.
  • Alexander Baanen
    Living in a different culture helps you develop as a person. It is a unique opportunity, and those do not come often. I’d say go for it!
  • Iris Segers
    Aside from all the academic and educational benefits, going on exchange is of course a great way to get to know new people, and to prove to yourself that you…

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