
2576 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Débora Póvoa
    It is the transition from an idea of a location to the actual experience of being in and transforming that location that I find fascinating.
  • Henry Chow
    Tourism is about much more than economics and management - there's something about travelling that captures our imagination.
  • Liam Cooke
    I have always been interested in studying the impact media have in our current society.
  • Verena Preshsl
    I wanted to learn as much as I could about the field of media and to conduct my own research on my special interest (fashion media) in order to really…
  • Tara Lewis
    That is one of the beauties of studying History, things rarely turn out the way you thought they would.
  • Julie Küpperfahrenberg
    Here I had the feeling that my knowledge about history could be transformed into actual contributions to solve political problems and crises.
  • Tom Rovers
    This master programme definitely inspired me to start my own business.
  • Anubha Sarkar
    I was drawn towards the economic and business models of the cultural and creative industries.
  • Merel Keuper
    I met many wonderful (international) people and made great friends - that's perhaps the most valuable of all.
  • Jessie Lansbergen
    I realized the practical side of art wasn’t the only one I was interested in.

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