Melissa de Jong

Melissa de Jong
If you get the amazing chance to go on exchange, take it with both hands!

Melissa de Jong

"I am Melissa de Jong, Dutch, third year IBCoM student, and fresh of the plane from my exchange to Singapore.

The reason why I wanted to go on exchange to Singapore was simple: I wanted to explore Asia while studying in an English-speaking country. I found it very important to go on exchange, because why would you do an international course if you don’t want to go abroad?! Also, why would you stay at home and get grades that count towards your GPA if you can also have half a year of pass/fail courses. Personally, I am pursuing a career in an international environment, thus international experience is needed.

Nevertheless, it is in any case a very valuable addition to your CV. Add to that, that on exchange you can choose subjects from a broader spectrum than you could do when you stay in the Netherlands. I really gained more knowledge in subjects I never could have done at home! Besides that exchange is one big party holiday (you still rather stay in Rotterdam?), I got a better sense of what I want academically and career-wise.

If you get the amazing chance to go on exchange, take it with both hands!"

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