
2574 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Researching digital media technologies and social inclusion of refugees
    Dr. Amanda Alencar from Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication was awarded the Stichting Erasmus Trustfonds Grant for her research project "Refugee
  • ESHCC colleagues co-edited a special issue on the festivalisation of live music
    POPLIVE project leader Erik Hitters co-edited a special issue on the festivalisation of live music for IJMBR. The issue includes a contribution from Hitters'…
  • Popular Uses of Violent Pasts - Special Issue by Maria Grever and Karel van Nieuwenhuyse
    Maria Grever (ESHCC) and Karel van Nieuwehuyse (University Leuven) published a Special Issue in the Journal for the Study of Education and Development.
  • Who are cities for?
    Access to adequate housing is a basic human right, but a global increase in housing price is making it difficult for people to live in cities. In this blog, we
  • PhD Candidate Rashid Gabdulhakov publishes a commentary for the Oxus Society
    The Avengers vs the Orcs: Social media nuances in Kyrgyzstan's (almost) third revolution.
  • Cultural Commons and Urban Dynamics - a book co-edited by ESHCC colleagues
    A new book has been published, co-edited by Valeria Morea (ESHCC) and with contributions from Carolina Dalla Chiesa (ESHCC) and Pascuala Migone (ESHCC alumna).
  • Disasters and History - new book by Daniel R. Curtis
    Daniel R. Curtis (ESHCC) has recently published a new book with Cambridge University Press entitled "Disasters and History: The Vulnerability and Resilience of…
  • Meet the new PhD candidates who recently joined ESHCC! Today: Zhen Ye
    Recently a number of PhD candidates joined the ESHCC faculty. In this series, we would like to introduce them to you. Today it’s Zhen’s turn!
  • Three ESHCC colleagues publish open access book on Vigilant Audiences
    ESHCC colleagues Daniel Trottier, Rashid Gabdulhakov and Qian Huang have published an open access book on Vigilant Audiences which is out now and free to…
  • From half-baked ideas to making research fun: reflections on research collaborations
    Delia Dumitrica (ESHCC) and Georgia Gaden Jones (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) reflect in the article ‘Partners in Scholarship’ on the benefits of…

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