Art, Heritage & Science: new cluster Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Global Heritage and Development

The new cluster Art, Heritage & Science has been added to the portfolio of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Global, Heritage and Development. The challenges facing heritage in the global and digital age are multifaceted and complex. The mission of this cluster is to bring breakthroughs in scientific, public, and professional perception, participation, and research. To train engaged global heritage scholars able to make meaningful and sustainable contributions to society. And to be at the forefront addressing research questions set by international agenda’s and shaping the future of heritage research and practice.

Cluster manager Filip Vermeylen: “This new network presents a wonderful opportunity for ESHCC staff to engage with colleagues from Leiden and Delft on art, heritage and science. We want to stimulate collaborations both in terms of teaching and research, and we there is some seed money to facilitate new initiatives.“

Art, Heritage & Science
Art, Heritage & Science promotes the education and training of students and professionals at the crossroads of (materials) science, technology, the humanities, and cognitive and social science, with the aim of preparing engaged global citizens ready to tackle current international issues. The cluster will also act as an incubator for transdisciplinary research, where the public, experts and students from all academic fields meet, learn, and create. It thereby pursues a holistic approach, combining the methodologies of the various disciplines in relation to the heritage ecosystem at large. 

This cluster consists of art and architectural historians, cultural historians, anthropologists, archaeologists, cultural economists, sociologists, bibliographers, material scientists and data scientists. It adheres to a broad definition of heritage that encompasses transmitted material and immaterial aspects of current and ancient cultures. Besides visual art, architecture, and monuments, it also covers archaeological excavations, books, manuscripts and intangible (living) heritage such as oral histories.

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