Changing the Chants documentary: Jasmin Seijbel on football-related antisemitic behaviour

The Changing the Chants documentary presents a multiperspective exploration of football-related antisemitism in Europe. Through the eyes of educators, football supporters, Changing the Chants partners, researchers and professional the documentary explores the complexity of football-related antisemitism. PhD candidate Jasmin Seijbel is interviewed in the documentary.

The documentary will premiere on 19 May 2021 and can be viewed on the Changing the Chants website.

About the project

Changing the Chants project is an innovative and international two-year cooperation between Borussia Dortmund, Feyenoord Rotterdam, Fare Network and the Anne Frank House supported by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme. The. Goal of the project is to deepen the understanding of approaches that fooball clubs can use to educate fans on football-related antisemitic behaviour. Jasmin Seijbel has been involved within the project as external researcher.


Watch the trailer below.

Changing the Chants trailer

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