
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.

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  • Examination Board
    What are the tasks of the Examination board and what can they do for you? Read all about it on this page and see who is part of the board.
  • Programme Committee Arts and Culture Studies
    The Programme Committee Arts and Culture Studies (PCACS) is the official participatory body of the Arts and Culture Studies department that engages in education
  • Programme committee Media & Communication
    The Programme Committee is the official participatory body that primarily engages in education.
  • Programme Committees
    Each department has a Programme Committee. There are Programme Committees: PCHistory, PCACS and PCM&C.
  • Programme Committee History
    The Programme Committee is the official participatory body that primarily engages in education.
  • Find your study
    Due to the coronavirus, our physical events for prospective students have been cancelled. We understand that making the right study choice is difficult,…
  • Standing committees
    Read more about the standing committees on this page.
  • Admission statement
    An admission statement will be issued if the admission requirements have been met and in so far as any capacity restrictions have not been exceeded. The
  • Terminating enrolment
    Students that wish to graduate, or students that wish to end their enrolment prematurely, must terminate their enrolment in a programme at EUR.
  • Change of address
    Students taking degree programmes: Please change your address via

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