
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Department of Education
    Here, you will find the contact information for the educational bodies within ESHCC.
  • Find your study
    Due to the coronavirus, our physical events for prospective students have been cancelled. We understand that making the right study choice is difficult,…
  • The Stage of War
    Popular and Academic Representations of Large-scale Conflicts We would like you invite you to our conference ‘The Stage of War’, to be held…
  • MOOC
    In the MOOC 'Serious Gaming' of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Jeroen Jansz and Mijke Slot teach you what serious games are and how they work. Read more about
  • ACS Research Mission Statement
    ACS Research Mission Statement As pioneering sites of value creation and innovation, the arts and creative industries are at the forefront of broader changes…
  • Media & Communication
    Are you interested in a degree in Media & Communication? Find all information about our offer here. …
  • Arts & Culture Studies
    Are you interested in a degree in Arts & Culture Studies? Find all information about our offer here.
  • History
    Are you interested in a degree in History? Find all information about our offer here. …
  • About the project
    In the two-year research project Do we have a click?  Dr. Mijke Slot explores the digital relationship between Dutch journalists and their audiences. She will…
  • IBACS confirmation of participation (2018-2019)
    Congratulations on being admitted to IBACS! We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in September. Please confirm or decline your spot for the academic…

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