
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Arts and Culture Studies Academic Staff
    You can find the contact information for the Arts and Culture department of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) on this page.
  • NL Scholarship
    Application deadline: 30 April The NL Scholarship is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education Culture and Science, and by Dutch research universities…
  • Application procedure
    Academic staff members are welcome to come to the Culture Studies program for teaching placements and research. Incoming academic staff members should apply for…
  • Partner universities
    If staff exchange is not yet included in the Erasmus Agreement between your home university and the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and you…
  • General information Staff Exchange
    Coming to the Culture Studies department for Staff Exchange Possibilities for Staff Exchange Staff exchange within Europe:
  • Faculty Council
    The Faculty Council is the representative advisory body of the ESHCC. Read more about the Faculty Council on this page.
  • Electives and other forms of education
    Student from other programmes and universities can follow electives at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Have a look at the options.
  • Popular Culture and War Heritage
    'War! Popular Culture and European Heritage of Major Armed Conflicts' is the Research Excellence Initiative project, carried out by a team of nine researchers…
  • A Rhine economy, 1850-2000
    This project, initiated by prof. Hein Klemann and dr. Ben Wubs, focuses on two main actors in the Rhine economy, i.e. (trans)national firms and governments…
  • About ESHCC
    ESHCC offers education, based on academic research. What do we stand for? How is the faculty built? Read all about it on this page.

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